Arrival of Minister of Basic Education of the Republic of South Africa H.E. Matsie Motshekga and Delegation

The Minister for Education Dr Justin Valentin, accompanied by the Principal Secretary for Education Services Ms Merna Eulentin and other Ministry Officials, welcomed the Minister of Basic Education of

H.E. Ms Angelina Matsie Motshekga and Delegation visited Takamaka Primary

On Thursday 26th October, H.E. Ms Angelina Matsie Motshekga and Delegation visited Takamaka Primary. This was followed by a visit to the adjoining Centre based Childcare Service.

Ministers met for a tête à tête in the Minister’s Office

After the visit at Takamaka Primary, the Delegation arrived at the MoE Headquaters. Firstly, both Ministers met for a tête à tête in the Minister’s Office. They then moved

Press Conference

A Press Conference was held in the MoE Lounge.

Meeting of the National Coordinating Committee for ECCE

Members of the National Coordinating Committee for ECCE met with H.E. Ms Angelina Matsi Motshekga and delegation, for a meeting in relation to project implementation. This was held at
Ministry of Education
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