Childrens’ Day Message June 2024

Today Seychelles joins several other countries of the world to commemorate children’s day. On this special day we acknowledge the importance of children in our lives. Through their innocence, they fill our lives with joy and happiness. Through their own way they give us, the adults, the reason to keep going.

On this day, we want to reaffirm the children once more, how much we love and care for them, and that we wish only the best for them. As a Ministry responsible for the welfare of all children, we want to reassure the parents and the children’s guardians that we will use all our means to ensure that together, along with them, we build a bright future for our children. Let us strive to ensure that our children live and grow in a unified, upstanding and secured Seychelles. Let us create together the most conducive learning environment for our children. Let us teach our children the right life skills so that they can learn to accept and respect everybody around them.

Many of you are succeeding in this quest, hence the Ministry of Education commend your fantastic work. Our children are proud of us and we are equally proud of them. The Ministry of Education exists for and because of the children, who in turn are sources of our strength.

Happy Children’s Day to all the children. We love you very much.

Ministry of Education
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