The Seychelles΄ Eco-Schools programme was conceived in 1993. All state schools in Seychelles are registered for the programme. Private schools have also joined the Programme since 2019. The programme is coordinated by the Education for Sustainable Development Section within the Ministry of Education. It is more than just a programme that concerns teachers and students alone. It also involves other members in the community and environmental organisations to work together to promote environmental learning and environmental management practices in the daily operation of schools.
Every year schools are assessed on the different activities and projects which promotes environment learning and sustainability practices in schools and their community. This year the Eco School Programme celebrates its 30th Anniversary as one of the renowned accomplishment Nationally and Internationally in achieving SDG 4.7. As is done every year schools will be rewarded for their accomplishments in achieving the levels of the Eco School Programme. To be able to achieve such an accomplishment there have been people who has sacrificed their time, energy and have worked passionately to support the Programme.
For more information on the 30th Anniversary Seychelles Eco School Programme please visit the link